Wednesday, September 30, 2015


A few friends have encouraged me to give Wordpress a try so I've attached the link to my FIRST post on my new blog.

Same name, same girl, same idea. Follow me on there!


That's what's in my jar.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Closet Clean-out

Living in a small, 500 square foot apartment isn’t as bad as you think it might be. Especially if the layout is functional. The only thing I have a complaint about is my one, SINGLE closet. Yep. No coat closet, no bathroom closet, no linen closet, just one in my bedroom.

I used to purchase something at every store I visited. As I’ve gotten older, my shopping addiction has screeched to a halt. As much as I love the thrill of wearing a new outfit, there is something very freeing about cleaning out your closet.

Lost in a sea of clothes from 2012

I know that I am only one of many who feel overwhelmed when it’s time to tackle the closet situation. It’s so easy to hold on to pieces that you don’t wear anymore. A dress you bought your freshman year of college, a tshirt that brings back fond memories, jeans that don’t fit, leggings that are ripped. Here's a piece of truth though; in reality, clothes are just things.

I recently cleaned out my closet and dresser and took away more than six bags of items that I hadn’t touched or worn in at least a year. It hurt giving some of it away. You’ll think, “Well, I haven't worn that in two years, but it cost me $60 so it has to be worth keeping." Been there, felt that. Holding it hostage in your closet to collect dust is a waste of space. You deserve better!

Just half of the pile of clothing I gave away

I'm slowly trying to adopt a more minimalist way of living. Giving away those giant bags of clothes was like taking dead weight off my back. I even felt a little bit ashamed at how much I've spent on clothing and accessories over the years. I doubt I will ever be able to live with only 10 pieces in my entire wardrobe, but I'm focusing on other things I would rather spend (or save!) my money on/for.

Letting go of old clothes and cutting back on shopping doesn't mean you have to cut back on style. I'm slowly trying to build a closet with solid, quality pieces that are versatile in the lifestyle I live. Here are a few tips I have as I encourage you to clean out your closet:

1. If you saw the item (in your closet) in a store today, would you buy it?

2. When is the last time you wore it? If it has been more than 6 months, I say toss it.

3. Does it fit you? Do you feel confident in it?

4. Can you wear it for more than one occasion? (example: work, class, weekends, date night)

5. Are you only keeping it because you feel guilty throwing it away for how much you spent on it?

6. Does it belong to your ex? THROW IT AWAY. 

Haha! But you get the idea. For more information on minimizing your wardrobe and tips on conquering your hoarders closet habits, click the links below!



Ask Yourself...

5 Step Wardrobe Cleanse

That's what's in my jar.